ConvertKit Email Verification Integration

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Connect your ConvertKit account with Bouncify
  • To begin with this integration, you need to connect your ConvertKit account to Bouncify. Login to your Bouncify account and navigate to the “Integrations'' page.
  • Click the “Add Integration” button at the top right corner of the page. This will open a popup window displaying a list of apps to integrate.
  • Select “ConvertKit” integration, it will open a pop-up box requesting the API credentials
  • To get the credentials login to your ConvertKit account -> Select Settings-> Select Advanved ->Under API section “Your API KEY and API Secret is available. Copy the API Secret.
  • Note : Save the API secret key for future purposes.
  • Now navigate back to your Bouncify account and paste your generated API Secret and click “CONNECT”.
Importing a email list from ConvertKit
  • Once you have successfully connected, your ConvertKit integration will be listed in the integration page. Select the ConvertKit integration from the Integrations page.
  • This will redirect to the Bulk email verification page and a pop-up box appears with your ConvertKit lists. Select the required list and click “Import” to start importing your list.
Verifying a ConvertKit List
  • Once imported, click “Verify” in the top right corner of your list and then click “Clean List” in the pop-up box.
Unsubscribe invalid emails from your ConvertKit account
  • Once your verification is completed click “Download” at the top right corner of the list. This will open a popup window with download and export options.
  • Go to the “Update ConvertKit” tab, select the result types that you are going to unsubscribe in the ConvertKit account. Then click the “Export” button. You can also download your result as a csv file.
  • Wait for a few seconds to complete the process. You will receive an email notification once the export is complete.
  • Note: Upon completion of list verification, the list must be exported to ConvertKit within 15 days. If not exported within this timeframe, the list will be archived, and only the verification results will be available for download.
Disconnecting ConvertKit
  • You can disconnect your ConvertKit account. Navigate to the “Integrations” page in your Bouncify account. And select (:) icon at the right side of your ConvertKit
  • Then click “Remove Integration”. This will open a pop up window to confirm the disconnect.

Note: You won't be able to export verification results to ConvertKit after disconnecting the integration.

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